In about two weeks, one of the best show jumpers in the world, the Holsteiner Verband stallion Casall Ask will be retired from the limelight of the international show jumping scene during the German Derby in Hamburg (Saturday, 27 May 2017 after the price giving ceremony of the Global Champions Tour). The Holsteiner Verband stallion keeping GmbH and the Holsteiner Verband marketing team have come up with a unique idea to mark this emotional moment, with the stallion’s farewell coinciding with eight of his offspring taking their first step on the career ladder.
Casall Ask will be retired from the limelight of internation show jumping during the Germand Derby in Hamburg. © HF
Thus the idea was born to organize an auction sale of Casall foals at the Derby showground, a venue steeped in tradition, on Thursday, 25 May 2017. “We consider it the perfect backdrop to retire Casall: a leg of the Global Champions Tour held in the vicinity of his home stable. After we first started thinking about a foal auction to be held during the Hamburg Derby last year, we then decided to dedicate this foal auction sale to Casall entirely“, says Norbert Boley, stallion keeping GmbH managing director.
From the very best Holsteiner mare families
On Thursday, the same day as the German Jumping Derby first qualifier and the Global Champions League competition, eight rigorously selected foals by Casall will be looking for a new owner. And they have not been selected for their sire “only”, as they all come from highly interesting dam lines, which, as everybody knows, are the reason the Holsteiner jumping breed has been topping the world ranking for years in a row. “This year’s auction sale is to commemorate Casall’s retirement, so only Casall offspring have been selected“, says Dr. Jörgen Köhlbrandt, the Elmshorn marketing and auction GmbH managing director.
Casall and his offspring have been in the very top group on the international show jumping scene for many years. Not unfrequently, the now 18 year old Holsteiner has been competing against his own sons and daughters in the Global Champions Tour and other high-profile championships. So everybody looking for a prospective world-class horse should keep their eyes open when eight Casall foals are auctioned off by Dr. Günther Friemel on the Derby showground in front of the VIP marquee on 25 May at about 5:15 pm.
For information about the 8 Casall foals, click here »
Source: Advert Holsteiner Verband