BB | Springreiten – Die U14 Springreiter eröffneten am Montag, den 10. Juli ab 8 Uhr die Nachwuchs EM 2018 in Fontainebleau mit der ersten Teilprüfung Team und Einzel. Insgesamt 92 Paare stellten sich dieser 1, 25 m hohen Herausforderung, 23 blieben fehlerfrei, sieben beendeten den Parcours mit einem Zeitfehler. Darunter waren erfreulicherweise auch zwei österreichische Paare: Ludovica Goess-Saurau (B) und Knightfield Ella platzierten sich mit einer super Runde auf dem hervorragenden 19. Platz und die Niederösterreicherin Naomi Ruth (NÖ) und ihr Saltador wurden mit einem Zeitfehler beachtliche 28. in dem hochkarätigen Feld.
Valerie Kroker (W) und Katharina Karpf (K) konnten den Parcours leider nicht beenden, das Children Team liegt daher nach diesem ersten Bewerb auf dem letzten Platz. Die Aufholjagd startet heute ab 14 Uhr.
Darüber hinaus gehen heute ab 9.30 die Jungen Reiter in ihren ersten Einzelparcours und die Junioren Dressurreiter starten ab 14.45 in ihren ersten Team Test!
Den kompletten EM Zeitplan sowie alle österreichischen Teilnehmer findest du untenstehend.
Weitere EQWO Berichte zur EM in Fontainebleau:
Showdown in Fontainebleau: Die Nachwuchs EM-Woche hat begonnen
Reiter für die Nachwuchs-Europameisterschaft Dressur stehen fest
J01 LONGINES FEI European Championships CHILDREN
1st Competition (Teams and Individuals)
Int. jumping competition against the clock (1.25 m)
1. 531 Attraction Riverland – Maelle Noizat FRA 0/71.93 sec
2. 521 Bentley N. – Noona Wildfang Linde DEN 0/73.84 sec
3. 548 Eliana – Lizanna Kiss HUN 0/74.82 se
Weiters platziert
19. 503 Knightfield Ella – Ludovica Goess-Saurau AUT 0/79.65 sec
28. 504 Saltador – Naomi Ruth AUT 1/85.08 sec
Monday, 09th July 2018
Jumping – Terrain d’Honneur
08.00 J01 CHILDREN 1st Qualification Individual
Int. jumping competition against the clock (1.25 m)
19.00 Parade of Nations | Opening Ceremony
Tuesday, 10th July 2018
Jumping – Terrain d’Honneur
09.30 J09 YOUNG RIDERS 1st Qualification Individual
Int. jumping competition – hunting competition (1.45 m)
14.00 TCHA CHILDREN Team 1st Round Team Championship
2nd Qualification Individual
Int. team competition over 2 different rounds not against the clock (1.25 m)
Dressage – Spring Garden
08.00 D07 CHILDREN Preliminary Test
Test: Children Preliminary B Competition
14.45 D04A JUNIORS – Team Part 1
Test: Juniors Team Competition (Edition 2009, Update 2018)
Wednesday, 11th July 2018
Jumping – Terrain d’Honneur
09.00 J05 JUNIORS 1st Qualification Individual
Int. jumping competition – hunting competition (1.40 m)
14.30 TCH & J02 CHILDREN Team & Individual
2nd Round Team Championship
3rd Qualification Individual
Int. team competition over 2 different rounds not against the clock (1.25 m)
Jump-off only for medal placing
18.15 hrs
CHILDREN Team Medal Ceremony
Dressage – Spring Garden
08.00 D01A YOUNG RIDERS – Team Part 1
Test: Young Riders Team Competition
13.00 D04 JUNIORS – Team Part 2
Test: Juniors Team Competition
Thursday, 12th July 2018
Jumping – Terrain d’Honneur
09.00 TJA & J06 JUNIORS Team & Individual
1st Round Team Championship
2nd Qualification Individual
Int. jumping competition over 2 different rounds (1.40 m)
14.30 TYRA & J10A YOUNG RIDERS Team & Individual
1st Round Team Championship
2nd Qualification Individual
Int. team competition over 2 different rounds (1.50 m)
Table A, Annex IX, 16.4 + 16.4.1 + 16.4.2 + 17.2
Dressage – Spring Garden
08.00 D01 YOUNG RIDERS – Team Part 2
Test: Young Riders Team Competition
13.45 D08 CHILDREN Team
Test: Children Team Competition (Edition 2015, updated 2018)
Eventing – Petit Parquet
08.00 EYD YOUNG RIDERS Dressage – Part 1
Test: FEI 2017 2*B
13.40 EJD JUNIORS Dressage – Part 1
Test: FEI 2015 1* B
Friday, 13th July 2018
Jumping – Terrain d’Honneur
09.00 TJ & J06 JUNIORS TEAM & Individual
2nd Round Team Championship
3rd Qualification Individual
Int. team competition over two different rounds (1.40 m)
Jump-off only for medal placing
13.30 JUNIORS Team Medal Ceremony
14.30 TYR & J10 YOUNG RIDERS TEAM & Individual
2nd Round Team Championship
3rd Qualification Individual
Int. team competition over 2 different rounds (1.50 m)
Jump-off only for medal placing
17.45 YOUNG RIDERS Team Medal Ceremony
Dressage – Spring Garden
08.00 D05A JUNIORS – Individual Part 1
Test: Juniors Individual Competition
(Edition 2009, Update 2018)
To be ridden from memory
14.15 D02A YOUNG RIDERS – Individual Part 1
Test: Young Riders Individual Competition
(Edition 2009, Update 2018)
To be ridden from memory
Eventing – Petit Parquet
08.20 EYDA YOUNG RIDERS Dressage – Part 2
Test: FEI 2017 2*B
14.00 EJD JUNIORS Dressage – Part 2
Test: FEI 2015 1* B
Saturday, 14th July 2018
Jumping – Terrain d’Honneur
08.00 J03A CHILDREN 1st Round Final Individual
Int. jumping competition over 2 rounds (1.30 m)
09.30 J03B CHILDREN 2nd Round Final Individual
Int. jumping competition over 2 rounds (1.30 m)
Jump-off only for medal placing
10.30 CHILDREN Individual Medal Ceremony
Jumping – Petit Parquet
08.00 J12 JUNIORS Farewell Competition
Int. jumping competition against the clock (1.30 m)
Dressage – Spring Garden
08.00 D05 JUNIORS – Individual Part 2
Test: Juniors Individual Competition
(Edition 2009, Update2 2018)
14.15 D02 YOUNG RIDERS – Individual Part 2
Test: Young Riders Individual Competition
(Edition 2009, Update 2018)
11.15 EJC JUNIORS Cross Country
15.15 EYC YOUNG RIDERS Cross Country
Sunday, 15th July 2018
Jumping – Terrain d’Honneur
09.30 J07A JUNIORS
1st Round Final Individual Championship
Int. jumping competition over two rounds (1.40 m)
11.00 J07B JUNIORS
2nd Round Final Individual Championship
Int. jumping competition over two rounds (1.40 m)
Jump-off only for medal placing
12.15 JUNIORS Individual Medal Ceremony
1st Round Final Individual Championship
Int. jumping competition over two rounds (1.50 m)
2nd Round Final Individual Championship
Int. jumping competition over two rounds (1.50 m)
Jump-off only for medal placing
16.15 YOUNG RIDERS Individual Medal Ceremony
Jumping – Petit Parquet
08.00 J13 YOUNG RIDERS Farewell Competition
Int. jumping competition against the clock (1.40 m)
10.30 J04 CHILDREN Farwell Competition
Int. jumping competition against the clock (1.20 m)
Dressage – Spring Garden
08.00 D09 CHILDREN Final Individual
Test: Children Individual Competition
(Edition 2014, Update 2018)
11.00 D06 JUNIORS Final Individual Freestyle
Test: Juniors Freestyle Competition
(Edition 2006, Revision 2009, Update 2017)
14.00 D03 YOUNG RIDERS FINAL Individual Freestyle
Test: Young Riders Freestyle Competition
(Edition 2006, Revision 2009, Update 2017)
Eventing – Petit Parquet
13.45 EJJ JUNIORS Showjumping
16.30 EYJ YOUNG RIDERS Showjumping
Children (12 bis 14 Jahre):
Ochsenhofer Oskar B Sanibel
Bertha Emely St Wild Passion
Leitner Maya K Dom Perignon
Gebhard Corinna St Brighton
Junioren (14 bis 18):
Wurzinger Victoria NÖ Bvlgari
Pengg Chiara K Auheim´s Feliciano
Grabenwöger Helene NÖ Der Fuchs
Strobl Valentina T Bequia Simba
Junge Reiter (16 bis 21):
Fuhs Marie-Christine NÖ Perfect Illusion
Fürnschuss Antonia OÖ Frechdachs
Junge Reiter
Felix Koller OÖ mit Captain Future
Lisa Maria Räuber W mit Cyrrus
Denise Ruth S mit Lissara T
Johanna Sixt (B) mit Fini
Dominik Juffinger T mit Captain Jack Sparrow
Chiara-Fiorina Moser W mit Contero
Marie Christine Sebesta W mit JP’s Winzerin
Jessica Vonach V mit Emely
Sally Carina Zwiener S mit Cindy Crawford und Latent H
Ludovica Goess-Saurau B mit Knightfield Ella
Valerie Kroker W mit Cascala
Katharina Karpf K mit Alasca
Naomi Ruth NÖ mit Saltador
Rebecca Gerold ST mit Shannon Queen
European Championships Fontainebleau (FRA) Dressage, Jumping, Eventing
Starts and Results
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