Grand Prix rider Charlotte Jorst (DEN) sold her eight year old KWPN stallion Vitalis to Paul Schockemöhle and Lone Boegh Henriksen. The offspring of Vivaldi x D-Day became reserve champion at the 2009 Westfalian stallion Licensing in Münster (GER). After that, he was breeding for three years in Warendorf. His foals are outstanding and often cause excitement at auctions. Vitalis was presented for licensing in the Netherlands as well, but the breeding association KWPN rejected him.
Vitalis and Marieke van der Putten
Vitalis competed twice in the World Championships for young dressage horses in Verden: in 2012, he finished 6th in the consolation final with Marieke van der Putten, in 2013, he ended up 13th with his new owner Charlotte Jorst. Furthermore, Vitalis won the 2013 U.S. Young Horse Championships and competet on Prix St. Georges and Intermediare I level in 2014.
„Vitalis is such a great breeding stallion. I feel he should be given the best opportunity to contribute to the next generation of sport horses, and I know he will have that with Paul and Lone. His life is going full circle, back to Europe where he was born!“, said Jorst about her decision to sell Vitalis.
Quelle: Eurodressage / Text © EQUESTRIAN WORLDWIDE –