Sunny Girl, a 3-foot-tall miniature horse was attacked by a pack of coyotes in her small pen in Moyock (USA). At least four coyotes entered the pen in the night of May 29, according to owner. Judging by the print the coyotes were extra large.
The horse was found dead the next morning, gashed by teeth and claws. „It was terrific,“ said Christ Horton, son of property owner Karen Williams. First a vet said the marks were incosisten with a coyote attack but now the family is sure it was coyotes.
Coyotes are a pest and neighbours and farmers have seen them frequently in the area. „They are very adaptable and very intelligent,“ says Jon Schultz, a coyote hunter. Without doubt, coyotes were responsible for the attack.
Karen Williams kept the miniature horse for friends. Her grandchildren love to ride on Sunny Girl. The family says, they can’t do anything about this pony now, but they want the community to know what has happened.
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