Spanish show jumper Sergio Alvarez Moya and G&C Farms are going to work together in the future. The news was announced in a press release from G&C Farms.
Gustavo Arroyo, who had a fall and won’t be able to return into the saddle anytime soon, continues to work at G&C Farms as a trainer. Sergio Alvarez Moya is going to ride the Mirabal familiy’s horses. He already had some good results with G&C Quitador Rochelais and G&C Jartrum at the Sunshine Tour.
„Gustavo Arroyo had a fall, and he will still be out a couple more months,“ Mirabal explained. „We thought that the best thing for Quitador was to be ridden at the Sunshine Tour by a top rider so that he could stay in shape, and he was for sale. I talked to Sergio to see if he was interested. From the beginning, he was very enthusiastic and we started working together. He was a very good match with Quitador from the start, and in the first FEI class he rode him, he won! A lot of people made good offers to buy the horse after that. Sergio and I had a conversation and decided, ‚Why sell Quitador when he could ride him at Grand Prix and I was so enjoying it?‘ We talked to Gustavo Arroyo, because his main idea was to sell the horse and he owned 50%. Sergio and I bought it, so now we are partners on the horse with G&C Farm owning 75% and Sergio owning 25%.“
Sergio is going to ride Quitador, G&C Kay LS and G&C Fredo LS while the Mirabal family will conitnue to ride G&C Jartrum, G&C Lucy, G&C Sicilia and G&C Qairwan du Thot.